Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 45

No work screen shots for today as it's quite unnecessary. What I mostly did was solve normalisation problems using expressions and gain more understandings and knowledge regarding pyro fx.

I had a couple of questions for Mr Ron, most of which involved me being stuck at some point in both the rock generation and pyro fx area.

Here's a summary of the FAQ session:

What expressions do I use if I want 3 bounding boxes to control a geometry?


Assuming the geometry is already scaled down to 1 unit using the expression mentioned 2 posts ago (1/$SIZEX), the expression above controls the size of one of the bounding boxes. It divides the scale in y axis by 3 according to the geometry. Reason being I want to have 3 bounding boxes altogether (top, middle, bottom).

centroid("../xform_center",D_Y) - or + previous expression

This expression is used to position one of the bounding boxes. Use the expression centroid("../xform_center",D_Y) in center y to position the bounding box right in the middle of the geometry. Subtract or add the previous expression bbox("../xform_center",D_YSIZE)/3 to position the bounding box top or bottom.

Pyro fx questions:

"pyrosolver/sources/emitters/fuel amount(dont forget to scope the channel and adjust the curves)"?
Shift click channel to open graph window. Alt left click to create keyframe. Adjust the curves to your liking.

Prolong smoke emission?
Adjust curves as explained in previous answer.

Control intensity of fire within smoke? (See Russian Tsar Bomba Reference)
Control pyro surface shader in shop network. Play with the curves to achieve wanted looks.

Ideas on how to emit glowy effect from nuclear upon explosion?
Refer to previous answer above.

Pyrofields caching?
A good time to cache the bgeo files is when the simulation time takes about 10 seconds per frame.

Should I use the advanced tab when working with pyro fx?
Nope, next time buddy.

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