Monday, May 9, 2011

Day 43 & 44

Here are my storyboard ideas, I've finally scanned and uploaded them.

First Idea :

Second Idea :

Mr Ron! The pyro fx videos you provided were great! Now I understand much of the basics of pyro. Well there's too much to describe what I've learnt so far but here's some screen shots of some simple tests and renders I've done so far. I'll put up more descriptions in the future once I've familiarized myself with pyro fx and when I'm fluent with it.


From here, I tried forming the shape of a nuclear mushroom explosion.

Before that I've encountered a slight problem when resizing the fluid bounding box simultaneously along with the simulation of the explosion, it just couldn't work. In the end I realized it was due to a typo error I made.

Over the weekends Mr Douglas came up with a test file involving the use of bounding groups and softtransforms. I've tried applying the similar technique to the rock generation but I seem to have run into a little bit of trouble. I'll ask Mr Douglas or Mr Ron for help regarding this matter. It should get fixed by tomorrow.

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